Past Courses › Virtual Classroom

4-25-2023 | The Millennial Consumer

CE118-23 Instructor: Deana Bobbin CEH 3: People born between 1980-1998 are millennials and they’re getting into the marketplace. Research has shown them to be hesitant and you need to know why! This course will teach you their knowledge level or lack thereof, emotional drivers and more, based on an extensive national survey.


2-13-24 | CE 116 – Condominium Financing| CORE

Virtual Virtual

CE 116 – Condominium Financing| CORE Instructor:  Deana Bobbin 3 CEH Condo projects no longer have approved status for conventional financing, there are no more approved lists.  Condos must be FHA/VA approved for FHA and VA loans which are limited in this state, but they still have approval lists.  Conventional financing condo approvals are based on a number or factors which vary from project to project.  Come and learn what these factors are so you know right upfront how to market a new condo listing or what condos to show to your financed buyer.  Also – did you know there is such [...]


2-20-24 | CE134 | USDA, FHA and VA Loan Basics | CORE

Virtual Virtual

CE134 | CORE Instructor:  Deana Bobbin 3 CEH Are there any legitimate mortgage programs with no money down that aren’t scams? This course will explain the benefits of each of the government backed mortgage programs; when it’s best used and why. Learn which program works best for your buyer before the Purchase and Sale is written so that there are no last-minute surprises.


2-28-24 | CE103 | How are You Going to Pay for This? Home Financing | CORE – CANCELLED

Virtual Virtual

CE103 Instructor: Deana Bobbin 3 CEH Have you ever found yourself scratching your head in the middle or the end of a mortgage wondering what ever happened? Have you ever said, “Why didn’t I know this?” This class will help you deal with the pitfalls and learn how to avoid them. Relevant information for the real-world real estate transaction.   CANCELLED



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